An Open-Jar Isopod Experiment

I went to the Long Island Reptile Expo yesterday and bought some new zebra isopods and clown isopods from Vivarium in the Mist (for great prices, might I add!). Before the expo I decided I wanted to an experiment—creating an open-jar terrarium for a few zebra isopods. I have no idea how it’ll turn out, honestly. I originally asked the isopod subreddit about it here and you can see people’s mixed responses to my hesitation. I’m mostly worried about humidity. I know zebra isopods are OK in more arid terraria (see this YouTube vid for more info), but I’m not sure if an open jar will be TOO arid. I placed six zebras in the jar and we’ll see what happens.

The jar (7” in diameter and very tall) is filled with Eco Earth, spag moss, leaf litter, a lotus head pod (which I also bought from Vivariums in the Mist—you can buy them here), and a snake plant that I water propagated myself. In hindsight I definitely shouldn’t have planted the snake plant in Eco Earth. There’s probably not enough nutrients, but since it’s been growing in just sink water for the past six months I’m hoping it’ll be ok.

Will keep you all updated on how the zebras do. I really hope they don’t dry out. I have a “hydration station” behind the snake plant that I’ll constantly keep moist. If they reproduce and the population outgrows the jar I’ll move some to a regular 6qt Sterlite container.



White duckies and magic potions arrive (+ small update)


Isopod and Frog Listings on My Etsy Shop!