First ever isopod sale + Instagram account

I finally did it! My goal all along with my isopod journey was to be able to raise these cool creatures and sell a couple when I had enough. Well, my zebras have been reproducing like crazy and it was time to part with a few. I typically don’t disturb the pods when I take care of them (feed and spritz the moss), but with the Twitch livestreams I’ve been noticing a lot more of them. Like a lot. Especially with the zebras and panda kings (finally). I bought the panda kings a while ago from a local Long Island, NY pet store and befriended the reptile expert there who is also an isopod fanatic. I had promised him some zebras once I had enough, and the time finally came. Of course, as soon as I went to place some of the zebras in the small deli cup, they all scattered and ran away. What a pain to find enough to put in the cup! I ended up having to place juveniles in the cup, but my buyer was totally fine with little ones.

I didn’t make a ton of money with my first sale, but it meant a lot to me that someone was interested, and, hey, we all gotta start somewhere! I noticed a few babies in the clown isopod enclosure too, so there’s hope with them as well!

Aside from the excitement with my first sale, I also made an Instagram about my isopods! I’m hoping someday when I have enough pods to sell I can list them on my Instagram. I have a whole marketing scheme ready to go once the time comes, so keep an eye out for that! You can find the account here: What's in a Name Isopods


What’s in a Name Isopods is finally here…almost


Live isopod streams on Twitch